Thursday, July 19, 2012


time freaking flies!!

Its crazy how you go from this....

 6 years old....
to 21 1/2 years old....

My life is flashing before me!! Time to get serious!!! 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

My Dad

My dad is seriously such an awesome person!!! He was everything to me when I was younger. He works so hard for our family and ALWAYS supported my sister and I whenever we did something. I couldn't ask for a more supportive dad.

On Tuesday my mom and dad went to Palm Springs and came home Thursday afternoon. My dad was really quiet and when I offered to make him food, he declined (which is weird haha.) Then Friday morning he woke up with a sharp headache and dizziness to the point where he couldnt even sit up. So my mom took him to the DR and they were moved to Urgent Care and ultimately to the ER. All I know is that he had some kind of bacterial infection in his ear and that he had suffered a small stroke. I was pretty worried about my dad!! But not too much, cuz that dude is as solid as a rock. So he came home this morning, and he is just sleeping his meds away.

I love you dad!