Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer So Far!!

MAN! I have done a horrible job at blogging and taking pics so far this summer! Well, here is a quick summary of some of the things I have done so far!

 Jordan and I went to Six Flags 2 days after the new roller coaster Full Throttle opened! It was pretty cool! But it was soooo hot and we waited for 2 hours :(
 He took me on a date night to Fuddruckers, his favorite place!!
 Well as you know I graduated from college, and this pic is now blown up and hanging in my house!
 Jordan and I volunteered at the Ladanian Tomlinson 5k run in San Diego, JUST so Jordan could see his man crush!
 I took some bathroom selfies haha
 Jordan and I had too much fun playing on his cousin's Ipad!!
 Jordan came down and stayed in Oceanside with me so he could meet up with one of his old mission companions who was visiting Oceanside from Utah!
I walked his Chow Chow and Jack Russel terrier ALOT which he was at work!! hehe