Monday, August 5, 2019

Flores Twins Birth Story

May 22, 2018: Faintest faintest positive pregnancy test

June 14, 2018: First's TWINS!

2018 was the most magical year for Jordan and I. We were blessed to become pregnant with TWINS! My heart sung with happiness! We found out we were having a boy and a girl! I don't think it could have gotten anymore perfect than that. I have so much to say, and so much to remember of our pregnancy journey but I want to start with the best day of my life....the twins' birthday.

                                                        31 weeks pregnant with the twins

                                                    1 day before the twins were born

                                                   30 weeks pregnant at our baby shower

January 25, 2019 - 5:00 a.m. we arrive at Los Alamitos Medical Center for the scheduled C-Section of the twins. I was 38 weeks 5 days. Twins are considered full term and need to come out by 38 weeks. I showed NO SIGNS of labor and baby girl was flipped the wrong way, so my Dr. said it would be safest for me to have a C-Section. I actually got to pick the twins birthday! My Dr. let me pick any day the week of January 21, 2019 and January 25, 2019 was the only day Jordan could make it to the birth. Mind you, he was in the middle of a full-blown PT internship, working part-time and in full-time night school, so yeah, we were a little busy!

We arrived at the hospital while it was still dark outside. I had made the same drive to this hospital 12.million.times because when you have a twin pregnancy, they monitor you. A lot. I had to go 4 nights a week for at least 2 hours to complete non-stress tests on the twins. Anyway, back to my story. I made this drive a lot. But this one was different. I was SHAKING. Out of my mind nervous. We parked my car in the parking garage, grabbed my stuff, and walked in. We went through the ER and up the elevator to Labor & Delivery. They buzzed us in and greeted us like we were rock stars. They took us back to room 213 and asked me to put on the gown and lay down. Nurse Nancy (love her - she helped me with my kidney infection when I was 30 weeks pregnant) started my iv, took by blood, and hooked me up to the monitors. She asked me, "Katy, are you having contractions?" I said, "Nope!" She said "Yes, you are! They are 5 minutes apart!" So funny. I answered 5 million questions about my medical history and then the anesthesiologist came into the room to speak with me. He explained the procedure and asked if I had any questions. "No thanks" I said. But I also requested that he keep me alive. Haha. I told him I was so scared I felt like I was going to pass out. He laughed and said he didn't like to give anxiety medicine to C-Section moms so that they can remember their experience. Oh ok, cool. Seconds later, the nurses come down the hallway and tell me it is time to go to the OR. They all wished me good luck and I muttered, "thanks." Jordan had to wait in another room as I am being ushered into the OR.

January 25, 2019: 7:30 a.m. I sat down on the super narrow cross shaped bed and the anesthesiologist first puts the needle in my back to numb it then goes for the 2nd needle to give me the epidural. It only hurt when he hit a spot on my lower back (which I now know caused my sciatica.) From this point on, everything went super fast. I immediately began to feel a warm tingling in my legs and the nurses lift my legs onto the table. They inserted my catheter and Dr. Agnelli (my amazing OB) and her partner Dr. Kizner (love him) rushed into the room along with sooo many nurses and surgical techs. Fun fact - when you have a multiple birth, you have two TEAMS of doctors, Peds, and techs ready for the babies. Things continued to move fast. A drape was placed in front of my face and Jordan was brought in. Thank God, because I was losing it. Jordan held my hand and Dr. Agnelli announced she had made the first cut. I didn't feel it, but I did feel a lot of pressure and my body moving around alot - it was really weird. Fun fact #2 - they had the radio playing during the birth and Halsey's "Without Me" was playing when the babies were born. Moments later, I hear, "Here's the boy!"

January 25, 2019 7:50 a.m. Braxton Tuioti Flores came into the world! He came out screaming! Best moment of my life. He was brought over to the warmer and Jordan got to go see him and take pictures. Then, Dr. Agnelli began working on getting Baby B out of my ribcage. There was so much pressure I literally cried out, "Did you break my ribs?!" That was no joke. They were manually pushing her down and after a few uncomfortable moments, Baby B was out!

January 25, 2019 7:51 a.m. Brielle Salamasina Flores entered the world!I didn't hear anything for a while so I asked if she was ok. Dr. Agnelli said that she was. A few moments later I heard the tiniest baby cry in the world. My precious angel girl. Jordan and I were crying and so so happy. He distracted me when I was shaking so hard and told me jokes and dreamed of the future during the procedure when I felt like I was going to throw up. I love that man! Jordan asked to have the babies brought to me while Dr. Agnelli and Dr. Kizner were doing whatever they were doing to me and we took our first picture as a family of 4!

January 25, 2019 sometime later (haha): Jordan and the twins went to the nursery while the doctors finished working on me. When they were done, everyone congratulated me and I was lifted onto some contraption that put me back on my hospital bed. They made me stay in my room alone for an hour before visitors could come in but they brought me by babies and Jordan. I loved me angels immediately!

Our beautiful 6 month old babies!

Shortly after, my mom and dad came in and they were instantly in love.

The visitors we had (that I can remember) during our 4 day stay:
Grandma and Grandpa Wilson
Grandma and Grandpa Flores
Kelsey Wilson, Gina Flores, Emily Flores, Maria Flores, Tia Griselda, Ama Flores, Erica Flores, Aunty Pene, Aunty Ola, Jesse and Mayra Barraza, Pua and Albert Mizokami, Joanna and Tyler Atuitasi, Jose and Leea Del Valle and probably more, but I was out of it :)